Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Boomerang Data Recovery Uses Anonymous Payment Processor

BIG RED FLAG! Boomerang Data Recovery uses an anonymous company 1Cart to handle some of their credit card processing. If you visit the companies website you will find no contact information. Thats right a company that handles your credit card does not list there phone number, physical address, or email. They also have an anonymous domain name registration.

Yet another reason to avoid Boomerang Data Recovery

For domain name registrations, please visit:

   PO Box 128347
   Remuera, Auckland 1146
   Phone: +64.929012

   Domain Name:

   Administrative Contact:
      Cart, One        
      Box 128347
      Auckland, Remuera 1147
      Phone: +011.604

   Billing Contact:
      Cart, One        
      Box 128347
      Auckland, Remuera 1147
      Phone: +011.604

   Technical Contact:
      Cart, One        
      Box 128347
      Auckland, Remuera 1147
      Phone: +011.604

   Record expires on: 2011-04-17
   Record created on: 2002-04-17
   Record last updated on: 2010-04-22

   Domain Servers in listed order:


  1. I'm the latest to get hosed by these guys. From my amex transaction details, here's the full contact information on 1Cart:

    Level 3B
    46 Brown Street
    Auckland, NZ

    Google-mapping that shows that there is a computer training company, ACE Training Limited, located on the floor below them, and following the link from the Google Maps page to Zenbu gives their phone number as 09 378 0411, open Mon-Fri 0830-1700. Website is Looks like a legit company. I plan to call tomorrow to ask about their upstairs neighbors, will post what I learn.

    If anyone here happens to live in Auckland, it sure would be nifty if you could stop by Level 3B 46 Brown Street and say "hello".

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